Welcome !
If you are visiting our website for the first time, we appreciate your interest and hope that you will find our website an ideal place, where you can choose a solution that will fit your needs. If you are our client, we wish to thank you for providing us your confidence and we expect to perform up to your highest expectations.
Deon & Noed International (DNI) is the brand name for the Deon & Noed network and for each of our Member Firms. Our brand stands for outstanding client service, delivered by outstanding people. We have demanding client service standards that all our firms must meet and we trust our people to use their skills and experience to deliver the outstanding service clients expect.
We work with our clients to define what outstanding client service means to them and we aim always to bring insight and up to date thinking to help them meet their objectives. Our distinctive reputation for building close personal relationships with our clients is built upon our commitment to all our stakeholders that what matters to them matters to us.
DNI’s dedicated and highly experienced advisory services teams have the depth
of industry and technical resources to respond rapidly to our clients’ needs. [More..]

Each DNI Member Firm has appointed tax specialists who contribute to and can
draw upon our network's expertise in order to assist clients with cross-border transactions. [More..]
Audit & Assurance
A DNI audit lends credibility to a client's financial statements and our auditors bring more to an assignment than a mere ticking of the boxes. [More..]

HR Management
By engaging one of our HR Consultants, you can access just what you need, when you need it. We have an experienced team and you can tap into specialist skills as required. [More..]